Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jennifer's Body 2009 :

I was expecting to see a 90-minute longstanding wall-to-wall crap-fest thanks to the fact that i plant, naively, concentrate to the opinions distributed around the halls of movieweb and what i got was a delightful and fun miss that felt similar a being to the fun root of 80's horror.
you got your stereotypical superior school kids ranging from vapid whor*s to inculpable woman succeeding doors, and the jocks and the geeks and the so on and the so onward, in a teeny townsfolk scene with the e'er under-rated jk simmons as the mature school-based further.
the story is that a band, hardbacked by devil, is hunt for a virgin to offering to the saturnine lord as a snackrifice and due to poor-planning unexpectedly ritually penalize a ho-bag, so to utter, played by the people's directional vapid dispensery of t&a, megan fox.
that's the jist, as explained on the hindmost of the box (or, in my frame, on the netflix envelope), which is why i didn't shout Person.
anyway the picture is trite and stale but who gives a sh*t, you don't timekeeper a silly mainstream flavor horror flick starring the ass from transformers because you're hunt for mind-bending awesomeness and indetestable originality, you watch it for the sh*ts and the giggles, of which this pic offers galore in the way of hammy performances, silly script and glib statement.

Review By Albart

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